We are happy to announce that Beyond Narrative: Exploring Narrative Liminality and Its Cultural Work has just been released as an open-access publication with transcript. It is the culmination of the work that took place from 2017 to 2021 as part of the DFG-funded network “Narrative Liminality and/in the Formation of American Modernities.”
In sixteen contributions, the book sets out to investigate the ‘borderlands of narrativity,’ i.e., the areas in which the symbolic form of narrative meets other symbolic logics, such as data(base), play, spectacle, or ritual. In this way, the collection initiates a conversation about what lies ‘beyond’ narrative and how narrative phenomena are combined with, morphed into, or stand in conflict with other forms. To conceptualize these borderlands, the book introduces the notion of ‘narrative liminality.’
Beyond Narrative features articles by all members of the DFG network alongside other renowned scholars like Caroline Levine and Maurice S. Lee, engaging in case studies of literature, popular culture, digital technology, historical artifacts, and other kinds of texts from a time span of close to 200 years.
The open-access publication of the book was made possible through funding from the DFG and the Open Access Publication Fund of Leipzig University Library. The entire book can be found on transcript’s website.